5 ‘Bad Gifter’ Archetypes (Everyone Can See Themselves In)

Lindsay J Green
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2020


Have you ever thought, ‘they just aren’t a great gifter’? Or maybe you even feel that way about yourself! We want to make something clear — everyone can be a bad gifter at times. And conversely, everyone has the chance to be a great gifter!

In our analysis we have come up with 5 archetypes of bad gifters, that everyone can relate to:

The Overspender

There is a natural thought process that says, if I spend a bit more, it will be a better gift! But more money doesn’t always mean a better gift. Actually, spending a lot of money on a gift could make the recipient uncomfortable, especially if it’s something they might rarely use. For example, really expensive steak knives received by someone who never eats steak.

The Projector

This is probably the most common! A projector buys a gift that they wish the recipient would wear/use/have, without any evidence that the recipient is interested. Wanting the best for other is human nature. However, dedicating a whole birthday gift to what we want for that person, might miss the mark. For example, yoga and meditation accessories for someone who is not interested in that form or wellness (no matter how many times you have explained the benefits!).

The Fixer.

This one is a more specific type of number 2. The Fixer is someone who uses a gift as the opportunity to replace something the recipient has, that they think is too old or broken. This might be coming from the best of intentions, but if the recipient hasn’t mentioned it, then they probably don’t want a new one! For example, a brand new coffee machine, when the person loves their current one — even if its a few years old.

The Procrastinator.

Another one, I am sure we are all guilty of is simply waiting until the last minute. We think the real shame in this scenario is that usually the gifter has to resort to something that delivers quickly, which often means missing out on personalisation or supporting a smaller business. For example, gabbing a kindle off Amazon Prime, because you only have 24 hours!

The Burdener.

And finally, something to always ask yourself, “is this gift a burden”? Some gifts can actually become more trouble and work than they are worth. For example a plant. Plants require constant care and attention. Even if people like plants, they might not be up for another one!

Don’t worry if you read this and thought, “oh yeah, I do that sometimes!”. It’s completely normal. But maybe you can now be a little more aware of these and try to focus on what the recipient really loves and what would truly spark joy in them. A gift is a beautiful opportunity to say “I see you for who you are!” and we love helping others seize that opportunity.

If you are currently feeling a intimidated by a gift you need to buy or simply do not have the time, then connect with Emblem. We are your modern gift concierge here to keep you organised and inspired for all special occasions!



Lindsay J Green

3x Founder shifting gears for the next phase of life